3 Newsletters to Read with your Coffee to Become Digital Savvy

As someone with a degree and a career in digital, I always feel that I have to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the tech world. The digital industries move pretty fast and you really have to know what’s going on to still be relevant it this type of studies or job.

I know it’s hard to make time for this kind of research, so I found a little trick to keep on top of my game regarding innovations: I subscribed to these 3 email newsletters and I read them during lunch or coffee break, or even when I need a little something to read before I turn off the lights at night.  I really encourage you to do the same if you want to remain digital, tech and IoT savvy! Click on the logos & go subscribe.

MIT Technology Review

This is the more detailed, precise and insightful newsletter about technology and digital that I have ever heard of. The MIT Technology Review is originally a publication owned by the MIT – which ensures the quality of the newsletter’s content.  Every day after lunch, you receive the Top 3 things you need to know about digital today as well as some very interesting fun facts. On the weekends, you get deeper and longer reads.


Think with Google

This newsletter is the one from Google. It’s very insightful regarding topics like mobile, programmatic advertising, consummer insights, marketing trends YouTube, display, and every digital subject related to Google solutions. There are especially very interesting business cases to learn from. I highly recommend it.


Siècle Digital – IN FRENCH

Siecle Digital is a French website dedicated to telling you what’s up in the tech & digital world. It’s quite new but the analysis are very relevant I reckon. The contributors are young and usually have a string background in the digital industry, whether with their studies or career. It’s always interesting to read what they have to say.


What interesting and insightful newsletters have you subscribed to?




  1. 04/25/2017 / 00:21

    I love this little roundup! So happy to have stumbled upon your blog also. I think we’re kindred spirits and I love that you’re able to blog about what you love – a mix of all things travel, lifestyle and digital. New blog crush <3

      05/01/2017 / 09:27

      Thanks a lot <3

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