3 Newsletters to Read with your Coffee to Become Digital Savvy

As someone with a degree and a career in digital, I always feel that I have to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the tech world. The digital industries move pretty fast and you really have to know what’s going on to still be relevant it this type of studies or job. I know it’s…

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5 Clever Ways to Use Instagram

Among all the social media types, and more specifically social media apps, Instagram is the one I am the most addicted to, especially these days – those who follow me on @pauline__riviere know it pretty well. Either to feed my cravings for aesthetics or to share photos of my last city trip, it’s my go to app…

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How to Plan a Getaway Weekend on the Cheap

Are you also one of those who already miss holidays even though they just got back to work? I have to say I am. And what better way to get over your previous holiday than planning the next one? Here are 7 online tools to help you plan a getaway weekend on the cheap.

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5 Brilliant Apps for Back-to-School Season

You’re back to work – or maybe to school – and so am I! Hope you all enjoyed some time off – I’ll tell you all about mine pretty soon – and if not, keep going! ‘Tis the season of new-smelling notebooks and starting fresh! Here are the 5 most useful apps on my iPhone right…

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