Are Big Influencers Buying Instagram Followers?

First, I want to start off this article by saying that I don’t want to denounce anything, I am just wondering about how the big Instagram accounts become so big. Their owners have made a choice and I respect it. Surely, they have very good motivations to buy followers, if they do. I just want to question,…

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Best Healthy Recipes from Pinterest

Since we moved into our own apartment in October, we really dedicated ourselves to live a healthier lifestyle. That included subscribing to the gym nearby and going at least 3 times a week. But the main change we made I feel, was in our eating habits. I really feel that we have become more organised:…

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7 Spotify Playlists to Keep You Motivated Through the Week

I don’t know about you but music always had a huge impact on my mood and especially on my motivation state. On Friday night, while I was on my way home from work, I watched a very interesting and inspiring video from Lily Like where she was talking about motivation and how to keep motivated…

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3 Newsletters to Read with your Coffee to Become Digital Savvy

As someone with a degree and a career in digital, I always feel that I have to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the tech world. The digital industries move pretty fast and you really have to know what’s going on to still be relevant it this type of studies or job. I know it’s…

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